We Provide The Highest Rated Texas Gun Trust on the Market
With over 19,000+ verified reviews of our Texas gun trust paperwork and other Texas gun trust services we are the highest rated gun trust paperwork provider in the market.  Our NFA gun trusts have helped tens of thousands of law-abiding citizens apply for and get approved tax stamps from the ATF.  With our next level support, always available customer service, and the internet's highest rated gun trust paperwork we will be able to help you to get an approved tax stamp from the ATF too.  Learn more about the Internet's favorite NFA gun trust today or read what our gun trust customers are saying about their gun trust experience below.
Real Texas Gun Trust Reviews by Real Customers

About Our ATF Compliant Texas NFA Gun Trusts
We go the distance. Our Texas NFA Gun Trusts have successfully been used with over 20,000 customers. Â
We make it simple to get your National Firearms Act NFA Gun Trust delivered to you within minutes. After checking a form will load where will ask you how you want to create your gun trust Texas NFA Gun Trust and we will then email you your Texas NFA Gun Trust It is that easy. Â Your NFA Gun Trust is delivered to your email inbox in a .PDF Format within 5 minutes of completing the checkout form. Â
Our NFA Gun Trust is a revocable trust that will allow you to legally purchase SBR rifles [short-barrelled rifles], silencers, fully automatic pre-1986 firearms and more. Maybe you want a legal container for all of your non-class three firearms. Our NFA Gun Trust can do that too. Legally pass on your guns and firearms to family members or friends.
Our team goes above and beyond to ensure you have all the necessary resources to submit your Texas NFA trust paperwork to the ATF. Â Our ATF 41F compliant and attorney drafted Texas NFA Gun Trusts feature Free lifetime support, state specific gun trusts, example ATF paperwork walk-through guides, example filled out ATF documents, NFA Gun Trust amendments, technical support, ATF Form generators and our Texas NFA Gun Trusts are reviewed by our team to ensure your NFA Gun Trust is compliant with the current ATF regulations.
Our nationally certified attorney drafted trust is reviewed for clerical errors and is ATF 41F compliant. Our Texas NFA Gun Trusts are only $59.95! Buy your Texas NFA Gun Trust Today!
NFA Gun Trust and ATF Database of Information. How To guides, etc - Blog

Gun University's - Best Texas NFA Gun Trust - Editors Choice
"National Gun Trusts is a great source for NFA Gun Trusts and additional resources like ATF form generators, fingerprint cards and ink, and complete walk-through guides. They also offer premium services like consultations for filling out ATF paperwork/forms, ATF form generators to make it easier to fill out forms, and full walk-through guides that help explain every step of the process for you. They even offer the official/approved fingerprint cards and ink to do your own fingerprints at home."
View the full Gun University - Best NFA Gun Trust Review, where we are named Editors Choice here.